The Lewis Family

Front row left-right: Sarah, Felix, Ozzie, Penny / back row left-right: Andy, Theo
The Lewis Family
Our whole family has been working (and doing schoolwork) from home. I am a middle school teacher and have been teaching from home since mid-March. My wife teaches dance and pilates classes from our home now (via video). Our four kids have all been working on schoolwork their teachers send each day.
We have limited our interactions with extended family to protect them from possible infection. Our parents are in the age category that puts them at high-risk. It has made our usually busy and involved lives slow down considerably. There are no concerns for us personally yet, but more a concern for our community at large and those at risk.
I have been surprised by the small changes that take place during the day around our home. Different times of day bring different daylight, different insects and birds, and changing temperatures.
I have also settled into a rhythm of waking up right around 7 in the morning without an alarm. Without the need to commute to work our mornings have been much more relaxed (sometimes too relaxed) but it also allows us to wake up without alarms!
It is hard to evaluate as an overall experience for me. Each day has its own challenges and rewards. There are moments that are new and unexpected some days. Other days it feels like we are dealing with the same ridiculous problem as the day before. Being in the middle of it and not knowing the end date or return to some kind of normal makes it difficult to evaluate what it will be like in total.
-- Andy Lewis